Yesterday the arteries of our home were cleaned out, and I mean really cleaned out; like basically an angioplasty of our air-ducts.
Recently, we got a new furnace. The previous furnace was so old that my husband was quite confident that if we opened up the avocado green casing we would discover two cave men rubbing sticks together. It was helicopter loud, smelled nasty, and very very un-efficient (I realize it should be inefficient, but in this case I want to make it clear that this is actually the exact opposite of efficiency). We nursed this poor furnace for years and then one Friday in January, I came home from work, the kids were doing their homework; I said, "OMG! Aren't you guys freezing!? What is with the heat?! Did you leave a door open?!" Being that they are my kids (read earlier blog about them never being cold), they said they didn't notice. It wasn't even 55 in the house. Our faithful little cavemen had officially quit for good.