The week I Fell in Love on the Pacific Coast |
I'm not going to lie, he was never supposed to be marriage material; It wasn't love at first sight. There were some pretty major red flags. It took him months of "coincidentally" meeting me in the library while I was studying (he allegedly commandeered a book of passes and forged a teacher's name) to convince me to see him outside school. I was finally persuaded because he made me laugh so hard that my over-sized Polish cheeks would hurt for hours after we were together. I didn't tell people about him, and not just because he was 1 1/2 years younger (which is a HUGE difference in HS), it was because he wasn't long-term material. I was pretty sure I was never going to get married; fairytale love didn't exist, and I was going to be a liberated, successful, independent woman. Men (and kids) were just too much effort*.