
In my past life (pre-kids) I enjoyed writing; it was very casual and pretty much just for fun.  My junior and senior year, I was co-columnist for the college newspaper with my roommate / BFF.  Basically we laughed and wrote whatever came to mind, always moments before the deadline.  I was also a yearbook literary editor for a couple of years and wrote captions (often funny) and filled in pieces where necessary (not my best work).  In the past decade, the only writing I have done is pretty much our yearly holiday letter, an occasional heartfelt note to a friend, and obsessively documenting our lives as the kids grow.

Each morning I settle in with a cup of half decaf, open my google reader, and read through the blogs that I'm following.  Some I follow publicly; They are funny, smart, reflective, practical, and/or insightful.  Others I follow completely anonymously as they are quite a guilty pleasure, they don't make me a better person, they are usually snarky, and in fact, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how much like them.  Regardless of the type of blog, I love the glimpses of life from my “friends”.   I genuinely look forward to each post and am sad when there is nothing new.  With my influx of extra time, I decided to write again.  It isn’t terribly inspired but hopefully not rambling.  

People struggle financially WAY more than we do.  I feel more than a little ridiculous writing about the stuff we are “cutting out” while some people are losing their homes.  That said, I know that there are people in Middle-Class Suburbia who are not living in squalor but might be interested in some frugal tips. I'm also fully aware that some people live WAY more "greenly" than we do.  That said, our family of 4 makes an effort to have as little waste as possible (we rarely have more than one kitchen hefty bag a week unless we are doing a special project).  We recycle rain water.  We carpool, walk, and ride our bikes as often as we possibly can... and mark my words, as soon as there is a viable option for household renewable energy, we will be of the first to have it (and tell you about it).

Oh, and Did I mention that I love taking pictures?
I'm just a regular wife / mom / sister / friend; I don't have anything terribly brilliant to impart, but I guess that is the joy of blogs, it takes all the stress out of writing:  

no deadlines
no editors to cut it to shreds*
no sources
no clear-cut demographic
no critics
no horrific self-promoting

I am just doing this for me.  I've missed writing.  If someone happens to read my musings and gleans some insight, or maybe a muffled chuckle, great, if not, that is okay too.