Simply Healthy

Let me clarify, I'm not Kipling's inspiration, I wasn't raised by wolves, we didn't breed rabbits in the crawlspace for sustenance but, my parents are a little on the granola / earthy side (very different from Earthly) and I was infused from an early age with a healthy dose of wariness for the FDA (and the government in general).  We love America*, but are a little cautious of anything produced by corporations and approved by the government, as there is usually some sort of agenda, and I'll give you a hint, it isn't often, "the greater good."  I was raised to believe (and have now embraced as an adult) that chemicals of any kind are reserved for drastic situations and when at all possible, any natural approach is the best.  Basically,
God Created = Good
Man Created = Suspect

It is this background, and a body that is strongly impacted by whatever it consumes*, that has brought me to where I am now. I have a couple of issues that I manage really well (if I do say so myself) with only diet and lifestyle adjustments:

Diabetes - When pregnant, I had legendary gestational diabetes* and am always borderline at my yearly bloodwork.  I went to a nutritionist for each of my pregnancies because the Doctors wanted to put me on insulin. I am not opposed to insulin, I just wanted to avoid it if I could.  The doctors (against their better judgment) agreed I could stay off as long as my nutritionist continually gave the okay.  She closely monitored me and I learned a TON from our regular sessions and emails.

Heart Disease - My great grandma died at 34 from heart disease.  Both of my grandmothers have had various heart conditions.  My Dear Aunt recently had a heart attack at 47, a different Aunt died before 60 of heart disease.  My own young mother & father (under 60) have carotid arteries / high blood pressure / high cholesterol.  ALL of these people live in a healthy weight range, are active, and eat healthy.  During pregnancy, my BP was always high.  It continues to be routinely high and on the verge of medication (especially when I am stressed).  This heart disease is literally hereditary and from both sides.  

Gluten Intolerance - For years I had awful stomach pain.  I felt like I had the flu after everything I ate.  I obviously gave up spicy, fat, dairy, and anything else I could think of, and then would just sit on the coach and down stomach meds.  My Dear Sister had to give up gluten.  She told me it was often hereditary and urged me to try for 3 weeks.  In 3 days I felt the best I had felt in years.  I've been GF for 3 years.  The skin rash that I had since 10 cleared up and I rarely, if ever, have stomach issues (unless I "accidentally" eat gluten).

These things combined seem over-whelming, but our family barely notices anymore (except when my DD goes to someone's house for dinner, she will come home and say, "OMG!  They had rolls right on the table!!").  We've happily adapted to a life that is low sugar, low salt, & wheat free.  We eat almost every meal at home.  I rarely, if ever, use anything jarred or canned or in a package.  I've found that not only is it healthier, it is also cheaper, tastes way better, and is often nearly as easy.  I am not a chef, but I have a couple of picky people in my house and I am going to pass on to you the recipes that I use to live simply and healthy.

*but I have suspicion that had my dad been drafted back in the day, I might be raised Canadian.  Since he wasn't drafted, this is all conjecture... When I suffered from migraines in adolescence, I am pretty sure I was the only kid to go to a chiropractor and when that didn't work, bio-feedback, and only as a last resort medication

**I honestly can't drink caffeine past 1pm or I am up all night

***My GD test came back so high that multiple nurses had to confirm that I was actually the patient that had gestational diabetes this bad.  The first time they even made me come back to retest at the hospital because they thought there must be an error.  The second time, I just confirmed that I would go back on the diet, no need to re-test.
****I don't have Celiacs, I just feel sick when I eat gluten.

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