We found these two trees
while hiking in the mountains of Washington state. They are by far
the largest trees on this particular hike and reside on a bed of rocks at a
very aggressive mountain stream. A plaque told us that the entire forest
was burnt to the ground at one point (a hundred years ago) but these two trees
remained because of how close they were together and how close they were to
water. These trees were better and stronger together than apart.
I don't really want to
turn this into a sermon illustration, but every couple needs their own
traditions, routines, and habits to form a strong emotional relationship that can
withstand what the world will throw at it:
- Shows always watched together
- Friday Night Dates (with genuine listening & talking)
- Adventures together
- Certain sporting events or movies or games or concerts
- Family or charity work or projects
- Square Dancing, bowling, cards, or softball
- Breakfast at Tiffany's
These things give
couples common ground and consistency but here is where this particular
blogette becomes less about marriage and more about life. I love how
these particular trees garner strength as they grow side by side rather than
entwined completely. It is probably a
little tricky to give each other encouragement and support, to grow side by side, but yet not grow apart (or choke each other) as each tries to reach for the sun and the water.